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How AI Helps Health Systems Improve the Quality of Care for Patients with Chronic Conditions
Thursday, May 4, 2023 Diagnostic Robotics Learn how Diagnostic Robotics’ AI-powered care management solution helped a regional Blues plan and affiliated hospitals save $1,600 PMPM in cost of care reduction per engaged member by proactively targeting impactable patients and providing optimized care pathways.
How to Build Hybrid Care Models Around Remote Patient Monitoring
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 Datos Health Learn how to effectively merge patient monitoring and remote care to capture vital signs, adverse symptoms, and medication reactions as they happen – pave the way for earlier intervention, automated assisted self-care, and reduced clinician workload.
How a Top Health Plan Used AI to Achieve a 34% Increase in Cost Savings
Thursday, January 26, 2023 Diagnostic Robotics Discover how AI-solutions have improved health outcomes, increased ROI, and identify cost savings opportunities that reduce the cost of care for its population.
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